1.) A parking official let a couple in need slide when their car was parked illegally.
Epic Dash
2.) When an older woman needed to sit down, a kind college student helped her out
Epic Dash
3.) A young Egyptian girl helps a street vendor’s child learn how to read.
Epic Dash
4.) A rainstorm popped up, but this kind neighbor made sure this car didn’t get soaked.
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5.) This man spends his lunch reading to a coworker who cannot.
Epic Dash
6.) On Valentine’s day, a stranger gave others the chance to give the ones they love a flower.
Epic Dash
7.) A man stopped running to catch his train to help an older woman who was struggling with her bags.
Epic Dash
8.) Dogs everywhere appreciated this awesome, and touching, act of kindness.
Epic Dash
9.) This gentleman used a giant table umbrella to help escort three ladies to their cars during a rainstorm.
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10.) This man teaches the love of his life how to read again after she had a stroke.
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11.) “I saw this woman buy two meals at a street vendor and give this man one of the meals. She introduced herself and talked to him about his life. She was his equal and just wanted to express inclusion to a fellow human being.”
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12.) One mailman loves to randomly brighten people’s days.
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13.) This anonymous donor helped a stranger have a midday treat.
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14.) There should be more kind laundry fairies in the world.
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15.) A kind observer helped out someone in need, even though they didn’t know they were at the time.
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16.) Someone who desperately needed tires got the surprise of a lifetime.
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17.) A police officer bought food for 20 people after finding out that Day Center was closed.
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18.) This firefighter risked his life to save one woman’s beloved cat.
Epic Dash
19.) They didn’t have to, but this laundromat is helping others get jobs.
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20.) When this Spanish athlete slowed down during a race isn’t passing an opponent…
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Just so he could encourage him and help him finish.
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21.) Even snapping turtles need help sometimes.
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22.) A brave police officer handcuffed himself to a woman who was trying to commit suicide, saving her life.
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23.) This 82 year-old barber brings clippers to the park to give people a shave.
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He only charges one hug for a haircut.
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24.) Cameron Lyle was a track star.
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He trained 8 years and loved to compete…
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But quit before his last competition so he could donate bone marrow to a man with leukemia.
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25.) This crowd helped a young man in a wheelchair crowd surf.
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26.) Rugby player Brian O’Driscoll visited his biggest fan in the hospital.
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27.) When a baby dolphin was beached…
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A brave man marched out to rescue her.
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28.) During Hurricane Sandy, this store owner helped people without power.
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29.) A good Samaritan helped a couple expecting a baby during Hurricane Sandy.
Epic Dash
30.) Police officers often go beyond the call of duty…
Epic Dash
31.) A world-class marathon runner slows down to help a disabled man drink water.
Epic Dash
32.) A young boy won a massive contest scavenger hunt .
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Then, he donated his winnings to his little neighbor that was battling Leukemia.
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33.) A train station full of people push against a train to help rescue someone who fell in the gap.
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34.) This motorcyclist pulled over to help and elderly woman cross the street.
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35.) A diamond ring was accidentally dropped into this panhandler’s cup, but he made sure to get it back to its owner.
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The woman whose ring it was helped raise money to get the honest man back on his feet.
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35.) After getting injured after being at bat, this softball player was carried over home plate by her opponents.
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36.) During a protest, this dog got tear gassed. Everyone stopped to help the poor guy out.
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37.) A soldier rescued a baby bunny and then raised him, dedicating hours to feeding the little guy.
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38.) During harsh weather, this police officer bought boots for a shoeless homeless man.
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39.) When a someone accidentally blocked another person’s driveway, this is the exchange that occurred.
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40.) A coworker tried to make up for his silly mistake.
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41.) Mike Downer found this woman’s $5,000 life savings in her discarded refrigerator. He made sure to return it in person.
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42.) A man on the bus gave a homeless man the shoes off of his own feet.
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43.) Rahm Emmanuel, Mayor of Chicago, interrupted a woman’s phone interview to give a recommendation.
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44.) When her opponent became injured in a race, this athlete helped her cross the finish line.
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During a protest in Brazil an officer asked the protestors not to fight on his birthday, so then they gave him a huge surprise.
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45.) After work, this man takes uneaten bagels and hands them out to the needy on the street.
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46. Volunteers from Kechara Soup Kitchen distributing food to homeless every Saturday night.

Kechara Soup Kitchen
Random act of kindness
Reviewed by parcelhubkajang
August 02, 2014