This is Patrick the wombat. He weighs 84lbs (38kg) and recently celebrated his 29th birthday. Wombats are a four-legged marsupial that are native to Australia.
Patrick the wombat just happens to be the oldest living wombat in captivity.
Patrick was orphaned as a baby before he was taken in and hand raised by the owners of the park.
Patrick is 29 years-old (most wombats in captivity only live to be about 20).
This basically makes him the Wombat King.
The team at the park tried releasing Patrick back into the wild a couple of times but he always came back.
Patrick’s mom was run over by a car, so his rescuers took him out of the pouch and brought him to a rehabilitation center.
Patrick greets visitors in the car park from his wheelbarrow.
His legions of fans have turned ‘Wombat Pat’ into something of a celebrity.
Patrick loves humans so much, he refuses to be released into the wild. Somehow, he always finds his way back. We love you, too, Patrick!
Patrick the wombat
Reviewed by parcelhubkajang
August 30, 2014