Along the way they run into a tribe of cannibals. The chief was a pleasant fellow, but had some unfortunate news for them.
"Gentlemen, I am sorry but I must follow the way of my people."
"Oh?" says the Brit. "What's that?"
"Well..." the chief responds, "We will kill you, cook you, eat you, and use your skin to make a canoe. However we're not entirely uncivilized. We will let you choose the manner of your death, and perform it yourself, if you'd like."
The Frenchman steps forward first. "I will take a sword, s'il vous plaît."
The cannibals hand him a sword. The Frenchman shouts "Vive la France!" then runs himself through with the sword.
Next the Brit steps forward. "I'll have a pistol, chaps."
The cannibals hand him a pistol. "God save the Queen!" shouts the Brit, and blows his brains out.
Finally the New Yorker steps forward. "Gimme a fork."
The cannibals are a bit mystified, but nonetheless give him a fork. He proceeds to stab himself all over with the fork. Arms, legs, face, torso. Anywhere he can stab himself with it, he does so.
The chief is aghast. "Good Lord! What are you doing?!?!?!"
The New Yorker bellows,
Reviewed by parcelhubkajang
August 20, 2014