The 50 Cutest Baby Animals Of America, State By State

Scroll through and see how adorable your state's representative is.
American black bear: You're never supposed to get in between a bear and her cub, which could be hard when they look like this.
Moose: These behemoths will grow up to be huge, but calves start out small (and slobbery).
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Ring-tailed cat: These resplendent ring-tails grow up to be expert climbers. Of course, this cat has already climbed into your heart.
Mockingbird: About two weeks after first hatching, this comely pair will finally be ready to leave the nest.
gray whale baby
Gray whale: These fine fellows are born tail first, but its cute head is the real winner.
Image: Flickr user goingslo
rocky mountain bighorn lamb
Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep: These dainty lambs are born on cliffs that are hard to access by predators.
Sperm whale: These calfs can swim within a half hour of birth, lumpy skin and all.
Image: WikiCommons
Grey Fox: These foxy kits will begin to hunt around the age of three months old. They must be terrifying.
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Florida panther: These pulchritudinous panthers are also sometimes called a"painters," because Florida.
rocky mountain bighorn lamb
Right whale: According to legend, these majestic mammals received their name as whalers declared them the "right" whale to hunt. Poor guys.
Image: WikiCommons
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Hawaiian monk seal: These precious pups are given swimming lessons by their mothers every day.
appaloosa horse baby
Appaloosa horse: Now we know why kids beg for ponies.
monarch butterfly baby
Monarch butterfly: Before they get their wings, these classy caterpillars eat a ton of milkweed in anticipation of metamorphosis.
Image: Flickr user lara68
baby northern cardinal
Northern Cardinal: Cardinals breed two to three times each mating season, with the female making multiple nests of these tousled chicks.
American goldfinch: For a period before learning to fly, these chicks are effectively just loud mouths pointed expectantly toward the sky.
American bison: Cute now, thunderous and huge later.
Gray squirrel: Did you know baby squirrels are called "kittens"?
Image: Petfinder (sorry this one's already been adopted!)
maine coon kitten
Maine coon cat: This one might be small enough to fit in a brown bag, but a different Maine coon named "Stewie" was the longest cat ever recorded, end to end.
chesapeake bay retriever puppy
Chesapeake Bay retriever: Back in the day, this puppy might have had something other than a soccer ball in its mouth. The first Chesapeake Bay retrievers hunted waterfowl in the icy bay from which they get their name.
boston terrier baby
Boston terrier: These were the first "purebred" dogs in America.
painted turtle baby
Painted turtle: The sex of these young nippers is determined by how warm the nest gets, with warmer nests often resulting in more females.
Image: Flickr user alumroot
loon baby
Loon: Hatchlings leave the nest on the first day of their lives and waddle straight to our hearts.
bottlenosed dolphin baby
Bottlenose dolphin: These cherub-faced calves are born with the help of an "auntie" dolphin, who is initially the only other dolphin the mother allows near the recherché calf.
Missouri fox trotter: Legs for days on this dashing foal.
Image: River Flat Ranch, which actually sells these guys.
grizzly bear baby
Grizzly bear: Sometimes these cubs are born during the hibernation period, meaning mothers can give birth in their sleep.
whitetailed deer baby
White-tailed deer: Bambi! We hope this fawn has a mother somewhere out there.
Desert Bighorn baby
Desert bighorn: Most of these captivating lambs are born between February and April.
New Hampshire
Spotted newt: These slippery little crawlers are called "efts" when they're juveniles.
Image: SUNY Geneseo
New Jersey
baby horse
Horse: This foal will grow up to have some outrageously awesome 80s hair, just like the guy behind it.
New Mexico
baby roadrunner
Roadrunner: Both the female and male parents of these frizzy darlings take terms incubating the nest.
Image: Flickr user larkspurlazuli
New York
Beaver: Must. Cuddle. Now.
North Carolina
Eastern box turtle: You can do it, little guy!
North Dakota
Nokota horse: These hot tamales almost went extinct, but a few were accidentally trapped within the Theodore Roosevelt National Park, where the population was.
Image: Full Moon Rising (which sells Nokota Horses)
Ladybug: The larvae really aren't that cute.
baby raccoon
Raccoon: Raccoons are typical artful dodgers, but this one looks like it's having some trouble.
oregon swallowtail caterpillar
Dungeness crab: Pre-juvenile dungeness crabs are called megalopes and are surprisingly adorable.
Great Dane: These puppies have rapid growth spurts and can become visually larger overnight.
Rhode Island
rhode island red chicken baby
Rhode Island red chicken: You can buy a baby chick for about $2, or this pair for a cool $4.
Image: Flickr user blurdom
South Carolina
Wood duck: This attempt at flight does not appear to be going very well.
South Dakota
Coyote: This puppy is not impressed with its mom.
bobwhite quail baby
Bobwhite quail: You can't even with this one.
Image: CackleHatchery, where you can buy chicks.
Nine-banded armadillo: These pretty little pups are born as identical quadruplets.
Rocky Mountain Elk (Cervus canadensis nelsoni) Calf DDZ_6013
Rocky Mountain elk: Apparently calves like to hang out under trucks. Not smart.
Image: Flickr user NDomer73
morgan horse baby
Morgan horse: All of these toddler foals are descendants of a horse named "Figure."
Image: Flickr user Adam Franco
No. 5686
American foxhound: George Washington used to breed these adorable hounds.
Image: Flickr user photobanter
killer whale baby
Killer whale: Also called Orcas, when these wonderful whales grow up they can eat 500 pounds of food a day.
West Virginia
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Timber rattlesnake: Newborn timbers have a simple button for a rattle, which is inaudible.

American badger: Be still, my beating heart. The University of Wisconsin's mascot, Bucky Badger, must have been really adorable as a baby.
horned lizard baby
Horned lizard: In the most adorable move of all, if threatened, these horned lizards will squirt blood from their eyes.
Image: Flickr user Dan Arndt
Bonus: Washington D.C.
Wood thrush: When these babyish blossom birds grow up, their call is described byNational Geographic as a "popopopo" sound.
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The 50 Cutest Baby Animals Of America, State By State The 50 Cutest Baby Animals Of America, State By State Reviewed by parcelhubkajang on April 03, 2014 Rating: 5
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