Lawyer and wife

A lawyer gets home after a long trial in which it was decided his client-Mr Wright-would be hung later that night. He is greeted at the door by his wife. "You're home late. And you're tracking mud all over the place...For gods sake, take off your shoes!" "Look, I've had a hard day at work, can you just leave me alone?" After some mumbling from his wife, the lawyer walks upstairs to take a bath. A while later, the phone rings, and the wife answers, to be greeted by her husbands boss, who explains that due to the appearance of new evidence, Mr Wright isn't going to be hung that night. Realising what a hard day her husband must have had, she goes upstairs to tell her husband the news, she opens the bathroom door to see her husband bending over drying his feet, balls dangling between his legs. "They're not hanging Wright tonight" "GOD DAMN IT WOMAN, CAN YOU JUST STOP CRITICISING ME FOR ONE MINUTE!?"
Lawyer and wife Lawyer and wife Reviewed by parcelhubkajang on April 05, 2014 Rating: 5
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