Largest man made object

  1. Largest Cookie – This chocolate chip cookie doesn't look very appetizing, but it measured 101 feet across and weighed in at 40,000 pounds.
  2. Largest Pinata – This pinata measured 94 by 24 by 60 feet and was filled with 3,628 pounds of candy. It had to be broken with a wrecking ball.
  3. Largest Revolver – This is a replica of a Remington model 1859 and it is 4.13 feet long.
  4. Largest Swimming Pool – This pool is located at a resort in Chile and covers 8 hectares of land and contains 250,000 cubic meters of water.
  5. Largest Chair – This chair measures 98 feet and 5 inches tall.
  6. Largest Pencil – This pencil is 76 feet long and weighs over 18,000 pounds.
  7. Largest Baseball Bat – This bat is 120 feet tall and weighs 34 tons.
  8. Largest Wine Bottle – This bottle holds 490 liters of wine, which is the equivalent of 640 regular sized bottles of wine.
  9. Largest Book – This book measures 5 by 7 feet, weighs 133 pounds, uses a gallon of ink per book and costs $2000 to make one copy.
  10. Largest Motorcycle – This motorcycle is 11 feet tall and 20 feet long, weighs 6,500 pounds and is actually ride able.

Largest man made object Largest man made object Reviewed by parcelhubkajang on March 01, 2013 Rating: 5
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